Email marketing is one more way that a new or established company can gain exposure through the world-wide web. It reaches only the customers who are interested in a particular product and helps to establish a present with clientele who can further the company’s message. Email marketing can be done from a company’s website or Facebook page and can be incorporated to send and receive messages on the site and through newsletters.
Top Two Email Marketing Software
There is some discrepancy between rankings in the top ten with Aweber topping one list and iContact topping another; however, both integrate email, newsletters, auto responders, and social media availability.
Aweber email marketing kit includes:
• Email newsletter
• Subscription management
• HTML email templates
• Email marketing tracking
• RSS to email
• Subscriber segmenting
• Expert customer support
• Sign up forms
• Auto responder follow up
• Third party integration capabilities
iContact email marketing tools include:
• Message Builder
• Message Coder
• Email templates
• Email delivery
• Email social media
• Facebook publishing
• Twitter publishing
• Image hosting
• Mail-merge fields
• RSS feeds
• Split testing
The type of email marketing software a company uses depends greatly upon the product they offer and the target audience they wish to reach. A smaller company might choose an email software that operates solely from the website and targets only the audience that will visit that website. Many software programs are adequate for this purpose.
Ranked at Number Three
Campaign Monitor email software is aimed at those in the design business; however, it will work even for non-designers and includes:
• Email newsletter
• Creative control
• Spam testing
• Powerful analytics
• Subscriber management
• Graphs and charts
Ranked at Number Four
Benchmark Email software has agreements with major IPs and ensures timely and effective delivery, and includes:
• One hundred-plus professionally designed templates
• Personal hosting area for images
• Tracking
• Easy set up
• Surveys
• Autoresponders
• Sign up forms
Other Email Marketing Software
5. Vertical Response 6. Pinpointe 7. Mail Chimp 8. Constant Contact 9. Campaigner 10. Get Response
Each of these are easy to use and include auto responders, templates, newsletter, and website sign up forms, but for one or more reasons did not rank higher due to customer service and tech support or programming glitches. All the programs range in price from $10 to $130 or more per month, and each will have one or more aspects that the individual or company might prefer over the other.